Product information

  • Trademark    
    Comfort (UK and Netherlands)
  • Made in    
  • Fragrant  
    Pure Ui
  • Suitable for    
    Normal skin
  • Number of discharges    
    Multiple discharges
  • Liquid Volume    
    2 liters
  • User manual    
    Machine wash uses 1 cap for 4-5kg of clothes. Pour Comfort into the fabric softener tank of your washing machine (or into the final rinse). Hand wash using ½ cap for 10-15 clothes. Add Comfort to the final rinse. Soak clothes for 10-15 minutes. Squeeze and dry. For best results on jeans, blankets, towels, etc., use an extra cap of fabric softener
  • CAUTION    
    Keep out of reach of CHILDREN. Rinse with water if it gets in eyes
  • Preservation    
    Preserved in dry, cool place. Avoid direct exposure to the sun